Saturday, July 23


I thought trust was never an issue with you.
but things I discover made me think twice.

I thought that even though we had some problems, trust was never one of them
I thought I could trust you.

but now I know, you are one of those guys that I can't.

and beyond that, I also despise some friends.
so-called friends

who were just dirt and pretentious from the start.
I would just love to slap your faces now.

never a friend.

uncool to post something about my emotions?
what the heck.
too pissed to even think about that now.

Friday, July 22

the thing is...

the thing is there is a choice
between me and me gone.
me means effort
no effort means me gone.
you chose no effort
so you chose me gone.

the only insulting thing was
you chose to lose me
than do something to keep me.

so ultimately, it just boils down to
"you did not chose me"

yes, you chose to let me go.

and I tried to tell you in a nice way, with the letters and the texts
but you just did not listen.
you chose not to listen.
you chose not to do something about it.
until it came to this point
where waiting proved to be in vain.
where losing me was the option, the best option you had.

love. love would definitely not let me go.
love would go to the ends of the world just to make me stay
because to love, I mean very much to even afford losing
and if it was a choice over doing something and losing me,
there would be no question, love would choose doing something.
love would say "ikaw un eh, lahat na mawala, wag lang ikaw"
love would DO. Love won't just THINK OF DOING

got any love?

Thursday, July 21


i am somehow saddened by the negative things some people say about "my princess".
not insulting-negative.

those stuff like people losing interest as the story goes on and that the ratings are not too high and the story is getting flatter at the end.

the drama has been one of a kind for me. It has deeper meanings than what most would get.
I like it. I got addicted to it and I know a lot of people did too.
made my heart happy. made me smile.

despite the negatives that I read, there are still a lot of dedicated people out there. I have read their blogs and like we have the same minds, "my princess" was a hit in our lives.
and we want more.
more than that, we want their onscreen romance to be real.
they are so good.

totally crazy fan over here.
currently obsessing over Song Seung Heun as Park Hae Young.

wishing for more. :)

Friday, July 15

going nuts over him

Park Hae Young
(Song Seung Heon)
I get so totally giddy over you.haha
You made me jump a lot and smile a lot at 6 in the morning even when I did not even have any sleep.
kilig lang tlaga :)
over :)

you make my heart skip a beat.haha :)
Park Hae Young, an intelligent, rough but soft on the inside bachelor.
you got the goods!:)

you make my stomach produce butterflies and wash me over with a light feeling
of love. hahahah


In denial

July 14, 2011
Philippine premiere of the most awaited movie
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

We bought our tickets early and waited inline for about an hour until we can go inside the cinemas and settle on a good spot.

that is how this movie is for me. A part of me was excited and a part of me was and still is down knowing that it will be the last big HP thing I will look forward to.
Inside the cinema, my hands were cold. I held on to my 3d glasses as I was anticipating scene by scene. It is this anticipation that let me watch the movie piece by piece. I watched it as fragmented as the scenes were from the book. I am quite aware of the gaps.
I really do not like the movie to end. I wish the movie was longer. Longer than the 3-hour transformers action lot.
I really never wanted it to end
and I never intended to watch it in fragments.

I will watch it again and stay with the film and how it flows and not think too much.
I cried some tears.
I felt happy because of the people who were making delighted sounds.
I got sad that it maybe the last time I'll see the tandem of the three actors I've grown with in the big screen.

When I look at my HP7 desktop background, I am still reminded of how Harry Potter shaped a part of my life back when I was still a grade 5 student (obsessing over Dan Radcliffe) up to now, where I am already a professional in my own right.

10-year movie franchise
the year the first book was released up to 2007.

we may count years but the billion potter fans worldwide will keep the memory of Harry alive in their children, passing it on from generation to generation.

I am still in denial about the ending.
I will be a forever Potter fan :)


it may end but it never will

Friday, July 8

HP send off, London :)

I was looking for clips on this. I did not know that there was such a thing happening until I logged on to twitter and saw that Harrypotterlive was trending. the curious and ever loyal fan that I am, I searched the web for the whole 4 hour video of the event but my efforts turned futile and I just settled for this which I think made most sense :)

tears rolled down my eyes. For years, there was always a potter movie or book to look forward to but now they are already doing a send off. haha.

have to admit that HP has been a big part of my life. It has led me to the world of reading and inspired me as well. they classify it as children literature but we all know that HP's appeal not only reaches children alone. It was able to inspire millions of readers worldwide, child and adult alike.

I could not express how much I am saddened by the saga coming to a tangible close. The last potter book was released years ago and now, the last potter movie is near setting sail. Sometimes I wish that the waiting never came to an end and there was always something big about harry worth looking forward to. difficult as it is for me to say but I feel like a chapter in my life is also coming to a near close, taken away by this big HP send off. haha :)

Yes I know the story lives on and I am quite sure that the story will get passed on to the next generations and it will definitely become a classic, appealing to generations after generations despite gaps and differences in time.

HP is all about bravery, love, friendship and the magic that we all wished was visibly existent. JK Rowling definitely sucked our generation in this big world of magic but she did not forget about reality and how reality could coexist with magic.

I am a die hard potter fan. Nostalgia brings me back to the days when I was younger and often prided(?) myself as an obsessive potterhead :)

To the fan who said this to JK Rowling, I am going to quote you. "you are my childhood"

even more than my childhood, you made me more of a person than any other self help book around.
a fiction book that tells you about what matters most in life, magic or non magic. wizard or muggle. good or bad, fan or not.haha :)


Wednesday, July 6

transformers 3

People in the cinema were literally at the edge of their seats.
As for me, I was too hooked with the events in the movie that I felt like it has been days and I'm still in my seat in the same cinema.haha.
watching every scene with seemingly transfixed eyes, I and the other viewers held on to every scene to catch any survival in disaster scene.
Love and comedy, always tangled with the heavy action and brutal means of impossible human survival.haha
and the hot chick still remains clean and pretty despite being in several life threatening situations.
As usual, evil is defeated and the audience is taken away by every proud moment in the movie.
The moments of victory seem to momentarily fill you with pride and honor most especially as Optimus Prime stands tall at the defeat of Megatron and Sentinel Prime (? spell).

whatever happened though to Sam's Parents and their RV? haha

I really like Optimus Prime. He was the only sticker that made it to the face of my ever sleek laptop and external HDD. :)

a must watch. feast for your eyes and ahm, soul? haha :)

btw: movies that have lead characters that are nobodies but eventually become somebodies are hitting the charts.haha. what does that say about human aspirations? haha :)

Friday, July 1

E2 batch 2010 :)

It has been so long since we last saw each other. Graduating college launched us into separate locations and fields of interest. I just remembered these people whom I shared Nursing in College with. At first, we were reluctant about the grouping but we ended up being great friends, really great friends :)

I know we will all be successful wherever we may be. It is not that I can't get over them but I miss them :) naks! and of course, I can't put up a new blog without any post on them so here we are :)

We had our silly spats and uber fun times and rest assured, those memories are sealed as unforgettable. Hoping that when we see each other again in the future, it will be a blast of success stories and friendship rekindled and made even stronger :)

So if ever you try to google your name (maybe you do that), you would come across this post and see your name in the search results in a site other than those announcing the board passers of 2010 :)

 E2 batch 2010: Gilbert Bernardino, Jayson Mallare, Ronald Vergara, Charmagne Acosta, Analyn Bangsoyao, Kathrine Aicha Cacho, Allysa Rose Dazo, Glaiza Figuerres, Paola Elaine Lee, Joei Darlene Millares, Angeline Bonne Pati, Glaiza Ranges, Ma. Cecilia Saoi :)


I just want to rant. I know this blog reaches a very low number of people.haha and I really do not care much about that. I just like posting as though some will actually read it. that is how I write. well. hello rijel, my only follower.haha. you patronize me talaga.haha :) boinks lang.!

"Feeling ko kinakalawang na ako" that is the random thought that popped in my mind while I was writing the above statements. I think like I write better english before and I need to catch up and read some books again to write better again. I really believe that good writing actually stems from inspiration, you know, the inspiration from reading. Books are great but for me, they are not the sole source of inspiration. Other blogs also catch up to the list. I get very inspired to write after reading some really wonderful blog posts (of other people of course).

I have maintained a blog since I was in highschool. Friendster brought me to the world of blogging when it had 'friendster blogs'. Most of my posts there were very personal. they mainly consisted of my emotions and hurts.  An online vent, that is what I consider my FS blog. Well, fs blogs are over now but I am really glad I had the chance to save them at wordpress before they get damned to the eternity of being deleted forever. I love them, my posts. they give me a record of my forgotten feelings when I was still this burly emotional highschool girl and pretty freaked-out college student. :)

Venting. Venting is the most important factor of blogging for me since I don't really do general interest blogs. I keep a personal blog so I really do not fuss with followers and many readers. Well, do not get me wrong, I get happy when I know that people read my blog. More often than not though, I get really surprised by it and the happiness actually comes from the unexpected good thing. the fact of it being unexpected does the trick :)

I love and appreciate people who blog. I believe that blogs contain the real thing or the real deal about stuff so I really don't rely on website ads and testimonials. blogs are great sources of a variety of reviews. You can get a lot of practical tips and first hand experience stories. So yah, kudos to all bloggers.

Self-expression. I think self expression is at times too expensive for some or for most. As for me, I find it really expensive when I am with unfamiliar people. tadaah! so I am here. pouring and satisfying all my needs for self-expression. I hope you would agree with when I say that the internet is one big menagerie of people who aim to satisfy their needs for self-expression. Being free without being consciously put under the judgment of people is the winning reason.

BLOG-one of the greatest innovations of all time. :)

tiger cubs :)

Last time when I was in Baluarte, I was really in awe when we saw the tigers.
I find their eyes very deep and it seems like there is really something powerful in those eyes. haha. LOL.
crazy idea right?

so i want to see tigers again. I want to see cubs now. I wish I could.
but I still will appreciate it if they were caged.
a little scared. :) haha.

Image from :)