Friday, July 1


I just want to rant. I know this blog reaches a very low number of people.haha and I really do not care much about that. I just like posting as though some will actually read it. that is how I write. well. hello rijel, my only follower.haha. you patronize me talaga.haha :) boinks lang.!

"Feeling ko kinakalawang na ako" that is the random thought that popped in my mind while I was writing the above statements. I think like I write better english before and I need to catch up and read some books again to write better again. I really believe that good writing actually stems from inspiration, you know, the inspiration from reading. Books are great but for me, they are not the sole source of inspiration. Other blogs also catch up to the list. I get very inspired to write after reading some really wonderful blog posts (of other people of course).

I have maintained a blog since I was in highschool. Friendster brought me to the world of blogging when it had 'friendster blogs'. Most of my posts there were very personal. they mainly consisted of my emotions and hurts.  An online vent, that is what I consider my FS blog. Well, fs blogs are over now but I am really glad I had the chance to save them at wordpress before they get damned to the eternity of being deleted forever. I love them, my posts. they give me a record of my forgotten feelings when I was still this burly emotional highschool girl and pretty freaked-out college student. :)

Venting. Venting is the most important factor of blogging for me since I don't really do general interest blogs. I keep a personal blog so I really do not fuss with followers and many readers. Well, do not get me wrong, I get happy when I know that people read my blog. More often than not though, I get really surprised by it and the happiness actually comes from the unexpected good thing. the fact of it being unexpected does the trick :)

I love and appreciate people who blog. I believe that blogs contain the real thing or the real deal about stuff so I really don't rely on website ads and testimonials. blogs are great sources of a variety of reviews. You can get a lot of practical tips and first hand experience stories. So yah, kudos to all bloggers.

Self-expression. I think self expression is at times too expensive for some or for most. As for me, I find it really expensive when I am with unfamiliar people. tadaah! so I am here. pouring and satisfying all my needs for self-expression. I hope you would agree with when I say that the internet is one big menagerie of people who aim to satisfy their needs for self-expression. Being free without being consciously put under the judgment of people is the winning reason.

BLOG-one of the greatest innovations of all time. :)

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