Friday, December 16

Merry Christmas!:)

Once again, the most festive season is here.  I mean, who isn't aware of Christmas? I know everybody who has joy in their hearts feel more alive once Christmas draws to a near. :)

Personally, I get thrilled more during the pre-holiday period. The Christmas anticipation, the Christmas songs playing early and aloud in open spaces, Christmas shopping, Christmas planning and just the whole process of the time before Christmas really is celebrated :) I get a little bit sad as that period of anticipation comes to a close and now, its so near. quite a bummer!

Though the world is in a not so good economic state right now, and our Christmas tree has less gifts this time, Christmas is really not all about material manifestations. While the gifts and all those merry tinsel and treats make it more fun, nothing can replace feeling the real Christmas in our hearts. I mean, that is what drives us all to go make an effort and create different festivities in the honor of the celebrated occasion, right? :)

I am grateful this Christmas and it means nothing more to me than love and family. As I try my best to make this Christmas better through gifts and personal effort, I know it wouldn't mean as much as the people I am celebrating it with - The people I am celebrating the birth of our Saviour with :)

Christmas at the warmth of your own home with the people you love the most :)


Let us all bask in Christmas Joy and let us not forget that without Christ, this occasion would be non existent at all :) Christ and FAmily is Christmas. Its all about our hearts, the rest are just ancillaries, additionals to what matters the most :)

current Christmas song favorite: Rockin' Around the Christmas tree

rejoice in Christ's Birth, He saved us all :) 
Dear Lord, Thank you for everything!



Saturday, December 10

Magic Hair bun / Korean bun

I always thought buns looked stylish.
Though I hated wearing a bun during my student nurse days, I came to appreciate their style as Korean women made it look effortlessly chic! :)

I almost always struggled to do a nice and well kept bun on my head and I wondered endlessly how those perfect looking donut buns were done :)
I found the solution.  It's not how you twist your hair, its not the technique but its the hair tool, the Magic Bun! :) haha. I searched everywhere for these and to my sadness, I failed until one day, it was there, waiting to be bought at such a reasonable price! :)

Now, I can do a chic looking donut bun without tiring my arms and trying so hard. haha. Get a magic bun hair tool now!

-The Magic Bun-
I love this hair tool and now  I am sharing it to you. I looked hard for this and now, I am making it easy for you.
You can buy this nifty hair tool at Red Saturdays for only PHP 48.00

come visit and add Red Saturdays on Facebook now to purchase this :)
for an easier way, click HERE
buy now!

email me for inquiries


On screen romance :)

watching movies & following TV series sometimes leave you feeling smitten from the on-screen romance that you witness :)

for a mere hour or more, you live in a fantasy world where you feel how love makes it all go round :)

here are some of my most cherished on-screen couples. I am in awe of their story and the intensity of the love that they let the viewers feel :)

Gossip Girl
No matter how they keep themselves away from themselves, they still end up being and wanting to be with each other. They may quarrel and fight to the ends but their love outshines their capability to deny each other.
It's like despite the "no's", "no mores" and "goodbyes", their hearts never really kept the distance. Their eyes speak the truth behind their every emotional lie. :)
magnets, they are ;)

Vampire Diaries
Yes, Elena and Stefan love each other but that is so yesterday! Damon and Elena are way better together. Though Damon came off as the villain at first, you'd wind up falling for his effortlessly cool and angel-in-disguise personality :)
Unrequited love eh?
Damon loves Elena so much, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, he can't deny it.
He was always there even if she has her heart set on someone else.

Twilight Saga
Though Edward and Bella are destined together, Jacob loved her equally before he imprinted on little Renesmee :)
The thought of how these guys loved Bella to the bits of bits drives the green eyed monster out of me :)

oh love.
could you be as perfect as that on screen? :)

Friday, December 2


now playing: Hot Stuff by Davichi.

This upbeat song made me realize that I was drowning myself in insecurity and impatience earlier tonight.

Insecurity makes me fight for no apparent reason and it makes me defend myself when I don't need defending at all.
Insecurity makes me say sorry and retract even if I know I should not be sorry.
Insecurity unlocks my sarcasm and unleashes it wide open.
Insecurity eats out my confidence like I didn't know confidence existed at all.
Insecurity crumbles out my heart until I finally let myself rot in buckets of negativity.
Insecurity makes me push people away.
Insecurity makes lowering myself habitual and it makes me forget that I am a person with capabilities.

I realized that all again tonight as I chose to put on my headphones, go to youtube and close my ears to the gossip and things  I did not want to hear.
I was escaping and in that escape, an upbeat song turned the tables almost instantly. made me ask myself, 'why not confidence'? :)

I was easily pissed at my students tonight for not getting the lesson easily. I was silently pissed at how I have to say the same thing in different ways over and over again. I know my impatience resounded in my tone of voice as it rose higher and higher. thankfully, it still obliged to my control.
I almost screamed at my mom.
I almost fought with someone again.

regaining a positive note made me vent it out in this post even if I am pressured as hell to study right now.

sheesh. the amount of pressure I put on myself to do something I am not doing right now mounds on and I am seriously worrying and hating myself right now.

If I could just spit myself out, I would.
but since that could not happen, I am grateful.
I know I would regret that in the end.

Just a round of a few more upbeat songs and I will be fine :)
Lord please have mercy and fill my brain with wisdom.  Let me have those agile and efficient braincells again to ace this exam.

I never worry about exams. I just give in to the pressure.

some wisdom :)

feel free & spread your arms wide open. feel the wind on your face and bask in God's love :)

this is true. Pushing on, moving forward gives you a sense of well-being :)

an important reminder, too hard to follow but not even near impossible. :)

choose to be happy. We may always need reminding. Yes we do.
Its a never ending reminder that one should never forget :)

be strong :)
that is an order.  A loving order :)

define yourself.
Find your way FROM being lost.

even if you're alone at it.
even if all your friends go in the different direction
what's for them isn't always for you
what's for you isn't always for them too.

be pushed by your problems TO try harder
in getting your goals and dreams.
Problems are not meant to wear you down.
as an ulterior motive, they are meant to catapult you UP :)

& that nothing at all would matter without the people you love and the people who love you. Nothing would matter more than your God given family :)
(Lee family Christmas 2009)

we would all be non existent if God did not make it all possible :)
He is everything :)

images from