Friday, October 7

cognitively unknown.

The passing of Steve Jobs has been a momentous event all over the world.
For people who were not able to finish college, he was and still is an outstanding example that formal education is not everything.

I first heard or known of Steve Jobs when I was searching for a desktop wallpaper and I saw this one where there was his quote and a caricature of him wearing boxers with his iconic black turtleneck. I was captured by the quote that I didn't mind having a cartoon man in boxers appearing before my eyes everytime I use my laptop. haha :)

I had this wallpaper on for some time and I never thought of searching his name out despite having some curiosities. Then came the news about his resignation from the CEO post at Apple. That news was plastered everywhere. That was the only time I knew who he was and how big a person he is. His name resounded as clever and iconic in my ears ever since.

Came one day, I opened the PC, went to google and saw this "Steve Jobs 1955-2011" and I was like "ano??!!". I could not believe my eyes and I was really shocked. I immediately went to yahoo to catch the latest stream of news and there it was, articles and images confirming my questioning and shocked senses.

It was in his passing that I came to know more about him and how much inspiration he brought to the world. He was this college drop-out visionary who changed people's  lives through the technology he loved to develop and developed to be loved. I was never an Apple product user as it was not so accessible to me. I dreamed of having my own blue colored iMac as a child. It was a dream that was never realized. I dreamed of having my own iPod until that dream vanished. I had my own dreams of having apple products but I never really knew the person behind all those innovations. Even the small "i" before words became so famous it could literally be placed before any word. :)

cognitively unknown: I was deeply saddened at the passing of this man who I never knew, whose products I never had, whose words I did not oftenly hear and whose life was just recently known to me. I found his speech at Stanford University. I patiently listened though I never really needed patience since listening was a joy to my heart and his words were like medicine that addressed my questioning mind and emotions. Closing my eyes at one point, I felt that his words resonated better. I can't put it in words how I felt while listening. All I can say is that, his words spoke sense I did not expect to hear, after all, I just clicked the link to that video to satisfy my urge of hearing what this famous man had to say.

I was moved and I felt that. It might have been cognitively unknown why tears instantly pour out of my eyes each time I hear what he had to say but I have guesses why. It maybe that God used him to reach out to people and spread God's message to others that living is not all about questions. I think Steve Jobs may have been an answer to prayers. A tool the Lord carefully used to tell His children to live their own lives and use their hearts.

enigmatic. Steve Jobs is enigmatic.
God's creations are.

'like an awful tasting medicine but the patient really needed it'--stevejobs

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