Sunday, September 4

Random Pictures :)

 Some snapshots taken from my phone, randomly, to preserve a casual memory that normally goes unremembered :)

celebrating life ;]
A simple bliss --a feast for the interested and a good, refreshing air of nostalgia for those who know.

with Lovely Mae Arellano @ SOLIBAO Heritage Mansion

CTEISI days. the first time I ate at this branch of Solibao. We were desperately craving for shawarma and since its Solibao and its a cross away from where we were, we decided to have lunch here. No shawarma, sadly ;( sosy version ng Solibao daw kasi.

First meal at HODORI with Rijel Andrei Sotalbo

Always fun to eat at a new restaurant. Being that I love Asian food, I really enjoyed this place. Came back here with a couple of friends for how many times already :)

Amazing Light show at the Grand Reunion of 
My dad's Alma mater :)

It first started as a dinner event from where we saw the past and current students at the said school. We had fun at this grand, (really grand) event. Full of Chinese People. This trip is really something. Family adventure :]

San Fabian
PTA Beach Resort

with Family loves :)

Used to go here often as a family when we were still kids. I reckon this was where my first swimming experience happened. It was also where my most successful attempts at adult swimming commenced.haha :) I love this trip to bits. It was total bliss [cant stress it enough] I love my Family to bits :) :) :)

Happy 21st Birthday
to me :)

My meal (L) and the ever iconic chicharon (R)


Its true that when you get older, your birthday celebrations become simpler.haha. I reflect back on those days when I was still a child and almost all of the whole clan were feasting at home. ---birthday parties :)
Anyway, thanks to those who made my birthdays extra special :)

Breakfast at Angeline's :)
One of our sleepover bondings at Ms. Pati's apartment :) haha.

I miss those times.
I miss E2
I miss college :)

Figer's Pancit Canton, Bird's Nest soup, Freshly sliced bananas and Vanilla Energen (my first taste) haha :]

Dean & Baron. Kids I adore :)

Curly hair and perky spirits. They always say that a kid brightens up the room---TRUE.
always extra fun at home when they are around. We all need a kid in our lives, not necessarily our own children though--too young, way too young for that :)


Too cute a puppy, still adorable as a full grown dog :)
Love this doggie to bits. 
instant joy. pulls heartstrings. this fluffy brown and white thing.
He came to us through a gesture of love and sharing, -- a family thing ;]

My desk/station at my Med Trans OJT days :)

&my Snitch Choco bar addiction :)

I had some of the worst and best moments in my MT life here, in front of this unit.haha. It has been the witness of my improving skill in Homekey typing.
I started having ZERO skill and ended up leaving it with a typing speed of 64 wpm :)

Tim Horton French Vanilla From Canada :)

a heavenly cup of instant coffee. YUM to the MAX.
did not even had palpitations.

Always a nice food time @ Vizcos

this time, Rijel made me starve while waiting. the worst part, he even ate before meeting me and we were supposed to have lunch. Lunch at 3 pm and I was hungry starting 11 am. GAWD. crazy. OH well. Its good food. FOOD!!!@

The very first time I curled my own hair and the first time I watched a movie in the cinema alone-- My Amnesia Girl :)

haha. A crazy experience, watching the movie alone and hiding from the person next to you (why, of all seats??!) just so you won't be recognized and asked "bakit mag isa ka lang?"...really, those curls came in handy at those moments. the cinema was even jam packed. Enjoyed the movie and started curling my own hair from that day on.haha ;]

Part 2 soon :)
still off to a million rants :)

PS. I love my family to bits and bits.
(just wanted to say) :))

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