Thursday, September 29

Apple Pie: HBD Papa :)

I was supposed to post this a long time ago. Since my dad had his birthday last july, this post is already long overdue. I don't know. I never got around to finally doing this until now. :)

So I had plans of making an apple pie for the first time as an extra treat for my Dad and our family on his birthday.haha :)
I browsed the internet and compiled the recipes I thought I could use.
I mainly got so much help from and I even had my laptop at the kitchen table for the process.haha :)

this is my signature rushed-done-secretly-inside-the-room birthday banner :)

So I spent the whole sunday afternoon making the pie and I finished near 7pm already. Finished as in it was finished cooking in the oven :)

Here were the basic ingredients.
sliced apples with sago and cinnamon mixture. egg, flour, butter and the drained apple juice that contains the yummy cinnamon mix. It has been hard waiting for the apples to finish draining but while that was happening, I was kneading my homemade pie crust since it was refrigerated from last night.

Off to the lined pie pan. I made some blunders here but none critical.haha :)
The center part was not cut perfectly and I also ended up removing the aluminum foil at the sides after few minutes of baking in the oven.

all done :)

only regrets: I shouldn't have sliced the apples too thin and I should have refrigerated it first for some time before serving :)

they liked it though and that is what matters :)

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