Thursday, September 1

A new experience

Been fooled, cheated on, lied to
but they never changed on how they treated me.
Now I'm going through something new.

At present, its a new experience.
Its a roller coaster  -
figuring, trying, learning
how to cope up and deal with this.

its like a new stimulus that my brain is hard up interpreting.

people say its just life. One time you're this, the next time you're not.


How do people manage to believe that they are loved,
when they are treated last, next to nothing.
..and all that seemed real and constant before
is now all gone.
Except for the feelings that are verbalized
BUT are gloriously not acted out.

they say actions speak louder than words
and maybe, just maybe,
that is what my brain is telling me..
contradicting a heart that seems to be fooled and fooled over and over again.

For how could you like a person
give everything...
and take it all away
and say that no feelings changed?

Im in a limbo.
My feelings need NOT be protected until I can cope up on my own.

What I need is the truth,
no matter how harsh.
so I could be free.